martes, 20 de abril de 2010

Scientists develop sensor to predict freak weather,from flash flooding to landslides.

The scientists again for the idea of climate change,creating a sensor that alert about the bad weather, like floodings in towns that caused death,damage in houses and businesses,this is a case of town Cockermouth,Cumbria. This sensor was developed in 2003 for changes in glaciers.Martínez was the inventor and says that the climate changes is happening.

4 comentarios:

  1. Isita!!!
    This paper is very interesting because it shows the reality of the environment =D
    See you in the class
    I love you!!!!

  2. I see you in class Nany! :) kisses! ai lor yu!

  3. ohhh my god!!!!!!!!! all we gonna died!!!!!!!
    help me Holy Trinity!!! jajajjaa xd I'm Drunk! jajaja xD kisses my Isilla! excellent news!

    and... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for Dany!!! jaja xD

  4. geographers should be interested, this topic is very important for the future of our careers

    kiss!! isaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
