I haven’t a favorite painting, usually I found for web different paintings, is an habit that I have since the school in the art class. The last paintings that I liked were the image of a bay by Paloma Rojas and the image of a duck in the lake by Carmen Jimenez. Both paintings are in watercolour, I like the detail and gentleness that the watercolour gets on a painting. Other painting that I liked was an image about Chilean field with the range in the background, this is an oil painting by Dario Contreras, is Chilean painter that was born in Chillan. All this paintings I saw recently, on this month.

If I have that choice a piece of art classic that I like, It will be the painting in the Capilla Sixtina by Miguel Angel, is your biggest work, located in the square San Pedro in the Ciudad del Vaticano. He designed the vault of the chapel, where are distinguished the painting of the Creation, the Fall, stories of the Bible and the imposing Final Judgment. This painting I knew since I have memory and I like because is a beautiful work with much dedication and precision, moreover Miguel Angel is a great painter.