In the art, I like the painting’s nature, but I don’t like an especific. For that, I would choose in the art’s world, something important to level’s world. So If I have to choose, I would choose “La Creación of Miguel Angel, in the Capilla Sixtina”. Miguel Angel was sculptor, painter and architect. So Miguel Angel created your creation more sublime considerated for much people. I like very so much La Creación in the Capilla Sixtina because is a painting wonderful! Me too considerated that is the best of Miguel Angel, your dedication, your talent, your technique, the combination of colours, your topic in the painting is very interesting, obviously good aplicated for the chapel. I considerated that Miguel Angel is an artist very completed, very good, for that I like your art, and overcoat La Creacion is a magic art, is about genesis accompanied to prophets, sibyls and young naked, dominated for essential qualities: physical beauty and dinamic energy.
The chapel is decorated for La Creacion, El Juicio Final and La Caída del Hombre. The chapel is in the city of Vaticano, to side of Basilica of San Pedro. I like of the dedication in the art =)